DECEMBER 15, 2005


7:00 P.M.         Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula Keefe, Richard Gorden and Mark



1.  The Board read a memo on the closing of warrant for the 2006 Annual Town



2.  The Board decided to reserve a space for a warrant article at the 2006 Annual Town

     Meeting.  It will be for the purpose of inserting some deadlines for Community

     Preservation Act exemption applications.


3.  The Board granted its approval for the Administrative Assessor to take a course this

     March on the Mass Appraisal of Real Property.


4.  The Board took the following actions on FY2006 exemption applications for owners

     of the following properties.


            Parcel # 102121000     Clause 41C      Granted

            Parcel #122016013      Clause 41C      Granted

            Parcel #069007000      Clause 41C      Denied


5.  The Board signed requests for state authority under M.G.L. Chapter 58, Section 8

     to abate fiscal year 2001 real estate taxes on three properties now owned by the

     Town of Sharon.


6.  The Board granted a fiscal year 2005 abatement as agreed to in a final settlement of

     the Appellate Tax Board case for parcel #086016000.


7.  The Board read a memo from the Finance Committee on Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets.


8.  The Board reviewed preliminary budget proposals for fiscal year 2007.  They decided

      to review them further at their next meeting.


9.  The Board granted two fiscal year 2002 abatements under the authority of M.G.L.

     Chapter 59 Section 72A at the request of the Conservation Commission.  Both

    properties are now owned by the Town of Sharon.







10.  The Board took the following actions on FY2006 abatement applications for owners

      of the following properties:


            Parcel #042033000                  Granted

            Parcel #094089000                  Denied

            Parcel #111073000                  Granted

            Parcel #029003001                  Denied

            Parcel #120081000                  Granted

            Parcel #058017000                  Granted

            Parcel #069052000                  Denied

            Parcel #069049000                  Denied

8:15P.M.   The Board went into executive session.


8:25P.M. The Board returned from their executive session and adjourned.